


Lochaber Geopark




Geodiversity: Argyll & The Islands

A Sub-Committee of the Geological Society of Glasgow


1     NAME  The name of the group shall be Geodiversity: Argyll & The Islands, hereinafter called the Group.


2.1  The Group is constituted as a sub-committee of the Geological Society of Glasgow, and as such is subject to the constitution of that Society as that constitution applies to the Society’s sub-committees.

2.2  To identify and survey geological and geomorphological sites in Argyll.

2.3 To promote the establishment and protection of Regionally Important Geological and Geomorphological Sites (RIGS) in Argyll.

2.4 To co-ordinate the activities of all the organisations involved in the conservation and use of geological/geomorphological sites and features in Argyll and liaise with other RIGS groups.

 2.5 To establish, maintain and enhance a database for Argyll compatible with the National Scheme for Geological Site Documentation.


3.1 to identify and survey RIGS, and prospective RIGS, within Argyll, and establish their ownership

3.2  to assess and evaluate sites according to the established Geoconservation UK criteria for

a) potential for study and research by professional and amateur earth scientists,

b) scope for educational fieldwork,

c) historical or pre-historical importance,

d) aesthetic considerations – their scenic value in the natural landscape.  

3.3 to ensure the conservation of RIGS by

a) promoting the protection of RIGS by sustainable planning policies,

b) providing data and advice to planning authorities, extractive industries, civil engineering contractors and others with reasonable need,

c)  initiating and maintaining a panel of earth scientists with specialist knowledge prepared to represent the Group at Public Inquiries,

d) providing interpretation of sites and their features,

e) promoting an interest in earth science and the need for conservation among the public at large.

3.4 to promote the proper management of RIGS by

a) periodic monitoring and maintenance of sites, having regard to possible conflict with their biological interest and importance,

b) making representations to and providing advice for site owners.

c) identifying RIGS suitable for active management by geological societies and/or conservation trusts.


Note: the responsibility for formal management of RIGS lies outside the terms of reference of the Group. 


       Individuals with an interest in conserving and interpreting the geology and geomorphology of Argyll may register as members of the Group.

The Officers may from time to time, when appropriate, formally invite representation from organisations with interests relevant to RIGS, for example:

Argyll and Bute Council

Educational establishments and organisations

Extractive industries in Argyll

Field Studies Groups active in Argyll

Geological & Geographical Associations and Societies active in Argyll

Historic Scotland

Lomond & The Trossachs National Park

National Trust for Scotland

Geoconservation Groups from neighbouring areas

Scottish Natural Heritage

Scottish Wildlife Trust


       The officers of the Group shall be:




Data Manager,

 and such other officers as may from time to time be deemed necessary by a resolution approved at an Annual General Meeting.

       The Officers will be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.


       The Secretariat and Database will be situated at locations to be decided by the Officers.

       The management of the Group, including administration and policy, shall be carried out by a Steering Committee consisting of the Officers and co-opted Members.

              7     WORKING GROUPS

7.1  Geological working groups will be established and assigned to identify, survey and monitor RIGS in defined sectors of Argyll, these sectors to be defined by the Steering Committee.

 7.2  The Steering Committee may from time to time set up other working groups as necessary to carry out specific tasks for the Group; for example, the writing and publication of geological trails, and the design and installation of interpretation panels.

7.3  Working Groups shall exist only so long as their task is being actively undertaken.  The Steering Committee shall review the continuation of all working groups before each AGM.

7.4  Each Working Group shall report regularly to the Steering Committee, and prepare an annual report to be presented at the AGM.


8.1  The Group may have a membership subscription sufficient to cover the costs of administering the group.


8.2  Reasonable charges will be made to other parties for providing and interpreting data, and other relevant services.


8.3  Grants and donations may be sought to fund the geological work of the group, including the creation of a Local Geological Action Plan.


8.4  The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the financial transactions of the Group, maintain a current banking account and an associated savings account, keeping a clear distinction in the accounts between general funds, and funds reserved for specific purposes

 8.5  Cheques drawn on the Group account are to be signed by one of the Officers of the Group.


8.6  The accounts shall be checked annually by a suitable independent person appointed at an AGM.


8.7  Contributions by Members to the work and activities of the Group will normally be on a voluntary basis.  The Officers may enable the employment of persons from time to time to carry out specific duties or tasks on behalf of the Group, and Members shall be eligible for such employment.


(a)   Fourteen days’ notice shall normally be given for General Meetings, together with the agenda. 

(b)   General Meetings shall normally be chaired by the Chairman.

(c)   The normal quorum for a General Meeting shall be 15% of the registered Membership.  If the number of members present is less than this number, those present may resolve by simple majority to adjourn the meeting to a stated future date, not less than 14 days later.

 (d)   (i)  An Annual General Meeting shall be held each calendar year, not more than fifteen months or less than nine months after the previous AGM.

 (ii) An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called by the Officers at any time.

(e)   Meetings of the Steering Committee shall be held as necessary, but not less than three times in each calendar year.

(f)    Meetings of Working Groups shall be held as needed during the existence of that working group.


       The items to be dealt with at this meeting shall include:

(a)   (i)   The election of the Officers.

(ii)   The receipt of accounts for the previous year.

(iii)            The determination of the following year’s Membership subscription, if any.

(iv) The appointment of a person to check the accounts for the coming year.

(v)   Annual reports from the Steering Committee and each Working Group.

 (b)   Any resolutions of which due notice has been given and brought to the meeting by the Officers.

 (c)   Any other business brought to the meeting and notified to the Chairman in writing before the start of the meeting, at the discretion of the Chairman.


       The Constitution shall only be amended at a General Meeting of the Group of which 14 days' written notice has been posted.  Any alterations must receive the assent of not less than two-thirds of those Members present and voting. 


The Group may be dissolved at any time by a resolution passed by a three-quarters majority of the members present and voting at a General Meeting. If upon the dissolution of the Group, there remains after settling of all liabilities any property whatsoever, this shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Group but shall be given or transferred to such charity or charities established for similar purposes as the Group shall decide.

As adopted at the first AGM, 12 November 2009.