Geodiversity: Argyll & The Islands
A Sub-Committee of the Geological Society of Glasgow
Annual General Meeting
Thursday 12 November 2009, at 12 noon
Oban Library, Albany St, Oban
1. Welcome and apologies for absence
2. Minutes of Steering Group meeting, Friday 10 April
3. Adoption of Constitution
4 (i) The election of the Officers. (Note: nominations will be taken at the meeting)
(ii) The determination of the following year’s Membership subscription, if any.
(iii) The appointment of a person to check the accounts for the coming year.
5 Any resolutions of which due notice has been given and brought to the meeting by the Interim Officers of the Steering Group. (Note: on the occasion of this first AGM, resolutions may be tabled at the meeting)
6 Any other business brought to the meeting and notified to the Chairman in writing before the start of the meeting, at the discretion of the Chairman.